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Strawberries and Seasonal Eating

It’s Strawberry Season

According to the Farmer’s Almanac website, 94% of households across the country enjoy strawberries. Strawberries have been found to be a fundamental part of consumer diets for years. Of course, that’s not for no reason; a handful of strawberries typically only contains around 50 calories. If you are looking to clean up your eating habits this Spring, these little red gems are the perfect snack to help kickstart your journey, especially since strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in Spring. 

Health Benefits of Strawberries

The best part about strawberries isn’t even their taste, it’s the unseen perks of the fruit that really makes them the “Queen of Berries” (strawberry expert’s words, not mine). Packed with vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, these heart-shaped berries are potent little packages that indeed do protect your heart, increase HDL (good) cholesterol, lower your blood pressure and even guard against cancer. Additionally, strawberries are sodium-free, fat-free and cholesterol-free. All things considered, why aren’t you on the way to pick up some strawberries right now?   

Strawberry Fun Facts

History of the Berry 

Can you believe according to ancient records, the first strawberry was grown in Rome in 200 B.C.? The ancient Romans would use the berries to treat things like depression and common ailments like sore throats and fever. Fast forward a few thousand years, Cincinnati, Ohio is reported to be the first city to ship fresh, chilled strawberries in the year 1843. 

Impact of the Strawberry 

Americans are responsible for consuming almost 3.5 pounds of fresh strawberries each year as well as an estimated additional 2 pounds of frozen strawberries. Strawberries have found a home in each of the 50 states, with California being the leader in strawberry shipments. About 10 million baskets of the ruby-colored fruit are shipped from the Golden State each day in harvest season. 

In Addition to the Strawberries

Healthy eating is just half the battle. Making sure you are carving out the time for exercise is crucial in aiding the benefits of clean eating. While you take care of the eating portion, let us take care of your body. Come see us at your local YMCA and take part in one of our fitness classes or hit our weight room with instructors who are excited to help. 

If you’re ready to take the next step in your health and wellness journey, see what the Y has to offer HERE!