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Healthy Habits

YMCA of the Golden Crescent to Host Teen Biology/Microbiology Lab

According to the Farmer’s Almanac website, 94% of households across the country enjoy strawberries. Strawberries have been found to be a fundamental part of consumer diets for years. Of course, that’s not for no reason; a handful of strawberries typically only contains around 50 calories. If you are looking to clean up your eating habits this Spring, these little red gems are the perfect snack to help kickstart your journey, especially since strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in Spring.

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Healthy Habits


According to the Farmer’s Almanac website, 94% of households across the country enjoy strawberries. Strawberries have been found to be a fundamental part of consumer diets for years. Of course, that’s not for no reason; a handful of strawberries typically only contains around 50 calories. If you are looking to clean up your eating habits this Spring, these little red gems are the perfect snack to help kickstart your journey, especially since strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in Spring.

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Healthy Habits

Healthy Easter Habits

According to the Farmer’s Almanac website, 94% of households across the country enjoy strawberries. Strawberries have been found to be a fundamental part of consumer diets for years. Of course, that’s not for no reason; a handful of strawberries typically only contains around 50 calories. If you are looking to clean up your eating habits this Spring, these little red gems are the perfect snack to help kickstart your journey, especially since strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in Spring.

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Healthy Habits

Strawberries and Seasonal Eating

According to the Farmer’s Almanac website, 94% of households across the country enjoy strawberries. Strawberries have been found to be a fundamental part of consumer diets for years. Of course, that’s not for no reason; a handful of strawberries typically only contains around 50 calories. If you are looking to clean up your eating habits this Spring, these little red gems are the perfect snack to help kickstart your journey, especially since strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in Spring.

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