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What is eGym? 

it’s Smart Technology Strength Equipment

The smart technology strength equipment at the YMCA automatically syncs with the eGym fitness app to track your progress and adjusts to your personalized settings when you tap on your wristband, altering your workouts based on your progress so that you never stagnate or over-work.

The eGym works for EVERYONE, from the beginner to the more advanced athlete. Gain confidence that you’re doing the right workouts the right way!

Our Y’s eGym circuit consists of 10 fully electronic stations that cover all the major muscle groups and have been developed according to the latest exercise science research.

To use these machines, each member completes an orientation where they receive their free personalized identification band*, which allows the machines to recognize you, adjust for height, weight and strength, and tracks your progress.

The eGym machines feature touchscreens with an interface like a video game that shows you how many reps to do, at what speed and with what range of motion. The eGym machines are arranged in a circuit and a timer tells you when to change machines to ensure a full workout in under 45 minutes. These machines are incredibly easy to use because they’re personalized to you.

Call Stasha Williamson to schedule your onboarding 361-575-0511 or [email protected].

Our Y’s eGym circuit consists of 10 the following electronic stations.

The Circuit Is Designed To Cover All The Major Muscle Groups:

  • Chest Press
  • Back Row
  • Lat Pulldown
  • Shoulder Press
  • Abdominal Crunch
  • Back Extension
  • Leg Extension
  • Leg Curl
  • Leg Press
  • Bicep Curl

eGym is offered to Barbara Bauer Briggs Family YMCA members completely free!

Your goals. Our support—with eGym! Whatever your goal, eGym has the right program for you.

    Focus on improving performance through the development of speed and power
    Heavier resistance at slow movement speeds to maximize muscle growth
    Varied training methods to deliver a wide range of fitness benefits
    Combination of muscle endurance and muscle growth methods to enhance body tone
    Intense strength endurance training to maximize calorie consumption and increase metabolism
    Slow corrective exercises to regain functional capacity
    Gently increasing muscle endurance training for the regulation of blood sugar levels

Why eGym Works

eGym was developed using state-of-the-art exercise science. Different fitness goals require different workouts—a weightlifter works out differently than someone who has never strength trained. In order to make sure that you start at a comfortable level, never overtrain, and always keep improving, eGym adapts the following equipment settings based on your goal, progress and body type:

  1. Weight
    If you want to gain muscle, eGym will set a higher training weight whereas a lower weight is sufficient for weight loss.
  2. Number of reps
    Many repetitions with less weight define the muscle, whereas few repetitions with more weight enlarge it.
  3. Training duration
    eGym alternates long, less intensive sessions with short, high intensity ones to ensure that you’ll continue to grow.
  4. Pace of Movement
    A fast, explosive movement has a different effect than a long slow movement.

How Do Y Members Get Started?

To use these machines, YMCA members complete a personal orientation where they receive their personalized identification band, which allows the machines to recognize them, adjust for height, weight and strength, and tracks their individual progress. The machines cannot be used without the band.

During the eGym orientation, members learn how to operate the machines and navigate the equipment. eGym machines feature touchscreens with an interface like a video game that shows you how many reps to do, at what speed and with what range of motion.

Call Stasha to schedule your onboarding 361-575-0511 or [email protected]

When is eGym Available?

The eGym circuit is available 24/7! Come get your personalized workout anytime. 

EGYM Overview

Fast and easy to get started with EGYM, our intelligent strength system. It’s your own personal trainer.

Call Stasha Williamson to schedule your onboarding session and EXPERIENCE THE FUTURE OF FITNESS!



With EGYM you get strength improvement, longevity, personalization and convenience!

Call Stasha Williamson to schedule your onboarding session and EXPERIENCE THE FUTURE OF FITNESS!


Are You Ready? Great!

Call (361) 575-0511 or stop by Barbara Bauer Briggs Family YMCA and schedule your personal orientation today and experience strength training like never before!